Adoramus te Christe A-do-ra-mus te Chri - ste be-ne-di - ci-mus qui - a per cru-cem tu am re - de - mi - sti mun-dum qui- a per cru-cem tu - am re — de — — mun-dum We a-dore you, Je-sus Christ, and we bless your Ho-ly Name; tru-ly your cross and pas-sion bring us life and hea-linu. (Nous t' adorons. Adoramus te, Christe (attrib. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina). Title: Adoramus te (not to be confused with 2 authentic settings) This work has been misattributed. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi, quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum. Qui passus es pro nobis, Domine, Domine, miserere nobis. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee, who by Thy Holy Cross hast redeemed the world. Thou, who hast suffered death for us, O Lord, O Lord, have mercy on us.
Adoramus te, Christe, is an Antiphon for Good Friday Liturgy.
Latin text Byrd, Gasparini, Gesualdo, Merulo Latin text Lasso, Clemens non Papa Latin text Rosselli, Brahms, Zielenski, Brodersen Latin text Monteverdi Latin text Handl, Martini Latin text Ruffo, Trombetti, Verhallen | English translation Translation by St Ann choir English translation Translation by St Ann choir English translation Translation by St Ann choir French translation Monteverdi {{Translation|Spanish| Di Lasso, Clemens non Papa Te adoramos, o Cristo,y te bendecimos,porque por tu santa cruz,has redimido al mundo.O Señor, ten piedad de nosotros. Chinese translation Croatian translation Klanjamo Ti se Kriste Hungarian translation Monteverdi Slovenian translation Byrd, Gasparini, Gesualdo, Merulo |